
Growing up, Wayne's World had a huge impact on my humor. Imagine a little Dominic running around going "EXCELLENT!" and "Party on!" or "if you're gonna spew, spew into this." Wayne's World was the movie we owned on VHS that I wasn't supposed to tell my friends' parents I watched. The best scene is when they drive to a concert and Wayne has a cassette of "Bohemian Rhapsody." I'd sing along to it without any idea that it was an actual song. One day my mom showed me that she had the record of it. I had no idea what a record was. After she taught me how to use the record player I would play this whenever my parents left the house. I would have to pull out all the VHS tapes out of the family entertainment center to get to the record player and guess which selector was the right output on the receiver.

The impact from Bohemian Rhapsody was that I'd listen to a full album for the first time and learn that people actually make music (what a concept).

Roy Thomas Baker 21 November 1975
Freddie Mercury 5:55